Thursday, June 30, 2005


condensed heat has been sending all skin into a dribbling sticky ecstatic frenzy and it takes every resource the body has to stand, to think-communicate? we've been doing quite Well i would say but it's all a bit precarious, gills fluttering in the wind, at least we're getting enough oxygen. Money is really rather tragic, especially our lack of it, and especially, Especially, this prospect of the future wherein we fight the elements every day (this heat, the subsequent cold, our lack of directed parenting (haha, not true)) only to sell this packaged commodity of ourselves.
but it's alright because there ain't nothing else to do and i'm rather attached to this world and its frivolity.
at the base of it each moment seems to be rather pleasant, or at least every other moment, and this time to be entirely fascinated by my dreams is more than i'd ever hoped for.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Home, is where i want to be.

Well, it's been a little while since either of us have posted, alots been going on, the end of classes and the trip back to the east. Now me and Adrienne are back in Vermont, we're staying with her parents for the rest of the month then moving in with A's friend Mindy for the summer. In the meantime we're just gonna relax and settle back into civilian life, no more papers to write, dorm rooms to while away in, or silly freshmen to deal with. A and I are gonna find some summer work and i'm gonna try to get into Concordia for winter quarter. You can expect more posts as soon as we get settled back in, providing i can get A. to use the internet and stop playing sims 2 for a few minutes.