Album of the Week

Nagisa Ni Te's newest offering is this 40 minute ep Dream Sounds, which by most standards is called a full length, but concidering this Tokyo duo's propesity for long minimalist Neil Young inspired guitar passages forty minutes for four tracks is definatly an EP.
This album is the soundtrack for those first weeks of summer, before it gets too hectic with all our over ambitions summer plans, and before the heat get's to be the reason for staying indoors nursing the air conditioner... the songs are warm and inviting, hinting a certain feeling of early 70's folk, (think Neil, CSNY...) mixed with an ultra modern international aestetic and retro revisionism, a la Phoenix's first album (not there second, OC inspired asswash.) but not so much that it s(l)ickens.
On the contrary, Nagisa Ni Te are first and formost ernest and honnest with these songs. They delightfully blend jangling pop, soft strummed long burners, brief shimmering disonance and quiet clean staccato leads, with heartfelt, plain sung lyrics, into the sublime and temperate.
By the end Dream Sounds leaves us feeling like the summer may last forever, and that we may have the time we need to enjoy it, providing we press play again.
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