Monday, May 02, 2005

So i said Bring it, and she said....

So i told Natalie to go fuck herself today, felt good, real good. she kind of flinched, and asked me what i said, and i looked her straight in the face and said "Go. Fuck. Yourself. Natalie." she kind of stuttered something and then zipped off. Though afterwords i had the shakes a bit, i tried to figure out why that was and came to the conclusion that no matter how much i hate a person, how badly i want to hurt them, i will always end up wondering if i could have done something differently. Which i suppose is true, i could have been the bigger person and just let things go but i've had about enough of that bitch's fuckery. I've had to sit quietly for the past six months and watch her slowly drag A. down with her guilt trips and insensativity. She only cares about herself, and her standing in what i can only imagine what she perceives as the "scene" here. Reguardless of all that, she could be fucking hitler, and i'd leave her be, but that she's hurt A. i can't leave alone. So here's a bad picture of that stupid stupid girl, and a big fuck you to boot. eat shit and die natalie.
(Ok, i edited out the picture at A's request. which is to bad, it was a doozy.)


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